
Negotiation Skills

Negotiation isn’t just about big financial deals, labour/management accords, and international political crises. Negotiation is what takes place anytime you’re working with other people to effect an outcome.

At work, we are negotiating when agreeing a brief, setting a deadline, directing a team, or persuading someone to our opinion. In our personal lives, we are negotiating when deciding on which movie to see with our friends, sharing the chores at home, or getting our children to bed. We probably negotiate a hundred times a day.


Everyone talks about win/win, but it has become just another cliché. What is win/win? When both parties are happy?

Unfortunately, that is not good enough. Skilled negotiation goes beyond happiness. A successful negotiation is one that produces a Wise outcome for all parties, in an Efficient manner, and improves (or at least does not harm) the Relationship. Our Road to Agreement workshop will show you how to achieve that success

Workshop Objectives

  • To achieve wiser outcomes for both parties

  • To reduce the emphasis on price and promote fairer financial outcomes

  • To strengthen the relationships between negotiators

  • To enable a clearer understanding of another’s point of view and then how to use it to mutual benefit

  • To equip ‘weaker’ negotiators to deal with more powerful ones

  • To show the benefits of negotiating creatively.


Creative Theme

Our workshop is like a road trip as we take people on a journey towards an agreement. It is highly involving, small on theory and big on practice. Participants will conduct at least three negotiations and will also have the opportunity to include a negotiation they currently face at work. So that’s four opportunities to put new learning into practice.


Workshop Content

  • What is a Negotiation?

  • The perfect result: Wise outcome; achieved Efficiently; maintaining the Relationship

  • Knowing what you want (your Interests). And knowing what they want (their Interests)

  • Separating the people from the problem

  • Generating options and alternatives

  • Getting what we both want: The proper Win/Win

  • Making Agreements and Commitments

  • Extra tips and tactics like Incremental Concessions; Bargaining; Body Language.

Target Audience

This workshop is relevant to those who deal with others in order to reach any sort of agreement, whether inside the company, with suppliers, the media, or with clients. It can be pitched at middle or senior levels, although mixing of levels is not recommended. The ideal number of participants for this workshop is 12. An even number is mandatory because participants will role-play in pairs.

Workshop Duration

The workshop is conducted over two consecutive days by a wise and efficient Negotiator. It can also be conducted as a series of Zoom events.